Maintenance Fees (referred to as "Maintenance Fund" in Deed Restrictions)
Fondren Park has the lowest maintenance fees in S/W Houston. $215.00 annually is minimal compared to our neighboring subdivisions in Houston, Stafford and Missouri City.
Just like your own home, the Fondren Park Community Improvement Association (CIA) has expenses to help keep the highest quality of living possible. We have a community center, a community pool, landscaping needs along our esplanades, fencing on Fondren and the usual every day needs of insurance, water and a light bill, along with a newsletter each month, special events like Santa’s Visit and the Easter Egg Hunt which the children of Fondren Park take on to adulthood as fond memories of growing up in this great community.
In order to maintain these assets a Maintenance Fee is assessed to each homeowner every year. It costs to keep all these common expenses paid and maintain the property in the best manner possible. This is truly an investment in your future, as well as the continued high standard of living that we all share in Fondren Park.
These standards were agreed upon by every homeowner and renter. When a resident signed on the dotted line to own a home in Fondren Park, the resident agreed to live by these standards. One of the stipulations is that all homeowners/residents agree to pay an annual Maintenance Fee to Fondren Park CIA of $215.00 annually.
Here are some facts concerning Maintenance Fees:
- Maintenance Fees are not paid by the Mortgage Company.
- Maintenance Fees are not negotiable.
- Maintenance Fees are due whether the homeowner lives in Fondren Park or rents the home out. If you still own the home, you still pay the Maintenance Fee.
- A Maintenance Fee is a fee assessed to the property. If there is not a home on the property, the Maintenance Fee is still due.
- If a home is standing empty, the owner is still responsible for paying the Maintenance Fee.
A homeowner that does not pay their Maintenance Fee tacks on a lot of unnecessary costs that can get into the thousands. Here’s how it works.
- Once the billing for the Maintenance Fee goes out in late October a resident has until January 31st to pay their Maintenance Fee in its entirety.
- Homeowners have an option to pay in installments from receipt of the Maintenance Fee invoice through January 31st of the new year, to avoid late fee charges and interest charges.
- After the January 31 Maintenance Fee deadline, the homeowner will receive a reminder letter in February informing them of their obligation to pay.
- A 10% interest penalty is then tacked on to the original $215.00. Additional charges continue to mount up each month a homeowner delays or refuses to pay the Maintenance Fee.
Not paying your Maintenance Fees can become costly. Penalties, interest and legal fees can quickly escalate to a point that dwarfs the cost had the Maintenance Fee been paid from the start. The added fees from not paying your Maintenance Fees on time are not waived. It is the cost of the CIA doing business. All costs are passed on to you, the homeowner, and it is your responsibility as a homeowner in Fondren Park.
If you have not paid your Maintenance Fees, please make an effort to call Austin Properties at 713-776-1771, and make arrangements to start a payment plan. If you have neglected to contact Austin Properties, then your account will be referred to the law firm of Butler/Hailey, 713-780-4135. This is where you will accrue costly expenses because you did not take care of a $215 fee months ago. Legal fees could add as much a $1000 to $3000 because of serving notices and filing a Lien, or filing legal documents with the Courts.
Avoid all these costs. Pay your Maintenance Fees when they are due. The CIA is willing to work with you. All you have to do is call Austin Properties Management Company. A payment plan can be worked out, or an extension should you need it. Just pick up the phone.
Eileen Bohlmann and Bernard Orloff
Board of Directors